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Summer Camp Information
Welcome to Discovery Lab Camp!
Entrance Requirements:
Boys and Girls must be ages 4 to 9 years old by the first day of their attending session.
Registration Information:
Now offering two locations - Palmetto Bay (Ludovici Park) and Pinecrest Gardens.
Tuition Agreement
Registration forms submitted without payment will not be considered.
Tuition payment is due before the first day of each session.
Tuition payments are made online only.
A registration fee of $100(Palmetto Bay) $150 (Pinecrest Gardens) includes two camp t-shirts, science material, Fun Friday activities, animal encounter/presentations and insurance.
Please note: registration fee is not refundable. In addition, a $100 cancellation fee will be retained from your refund amount.
Camp Hours:
Day Camp: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
No After Care Available
Drop Off and Pick Up Procedures:
Only the parents and those listed on the registration form will be allowed to pick-up the children. All campers must be picked up on time.
A fee of $15 late fee will be charged after
3:15 pm and every 1/2 hour thereafter.
Campers must bring a snack/light lunch and a water bottle each day to camp. Please notify the teachers of any allergies.
Discovery Lab is Peanut-Free Camp.
Discovery Lab Camp reserves the right to dismiss any Jr. Scientist if their behavior jeopardizes other campers' well being and safety.
Discovery lab camp engages children with knowledgeable and experienced teachers, adult college students and highly qualified interns aspiring to be teachers or desire to pursue a background in science/engineering education. Utilizing their many skills, our staff goes the extra mile in caring and maintaining your children's well being. All employees are child advocates and active participants in the community.
At all times the safety and security of your children is our Number One Priority. Camp directors are qualified and responsible individuals. In order to guarantee safety camp T-shirts are mandatory for all campers.
Dress Code/ Clothing:
Two camp T-shirts will be included with your registration fee. Additional T-shirts may be purchased for $20.00. Camp T-shirts are required every day for safety reasons. Comfortable shorts and sturdy sneakers are highly recommended. (no open toe shoes).
Boys and girls may celebrate their birthday at camp. Please make arrangements with a director two or three days before the birthday date(sweets and treats must be provided for all campers). It is a pleasure to be a part of your child's special day.
Palmetto Bay
(Ludovici Park)
17641 Old Cutler Road
Palmetto Bay, Fl 33157, USA
Pinecrest Gardens
11000 SW 57 Ave. Pinecrest
Fl 33156, USA
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